Friday 18 June 2010

Annotated Catalogue

Films: Item 1, Focus Film - Norman Wisdom's 'The Early Bird'.

I have chosen this film to be my focus film because it is set in the 20th century which is half of the question and it is one of the best examples for Slapstick Comedy and Slapstick actors such as Norman Wisdom. This film is reguarded as one of Norman Wisdoms best films so I think it will be a perfect example and source for my question. The movie at the time was a big hit, as it still is today to many old and new Norman Wisdom fans. The film's genre is comedy/slapstick and it really does fit the genre, these are the reasons why I think that this film choice was a good one made for my focus film. The plot is Norman Wisdom star's in this film as a milkman working for Mr Grimsdale's milk company upon who are rivaling a huge national milk delivering company, Norman get's into all type of bother attempting to win over the big-time company and make sure that Grimsdales survives.

Item 2, Related Film 1 - Rowan Atkinson 'Johnny English'

I have chosen this film for my related film because it is a type of Slapstick comedy and a modern day version of Slapstick comedy, this means I can compare the focus film to this example of Modern day slapstick. This film was shot in 2003, a brief summary of the movie is -
Rowan plays the eponymous lead character in a spoof spy thriller. During the course of the story we follow our hero as he attempts to single-handedly save the country from falling into the hands of a despot. The film was quite popular at the time. Rowan Atkison is a huge British comedy actor who plays 'Johnny English' our hero and main protagonist throughout the film, all of these reasons are why I chose this film to be my first related film.

Item 3, Related Film 2 - Monty Python The Holy Grail

I have chosen Monty Python: The Holy Grail as my second related film because it is inbetween the time of Norman Wisdom's The Early Bird and Johnny English's modern day Johnny English. So I can compare it to both films and it can show if there has been any changes to the slapstick comedy genre. The film was very popular at the time and still is to this very day along with the rest of it's kind. The plot is The movie starts out with Arthur, King of the Britons, looking for knights to sit with him at Camelot. He finds many knights including Sir Galahad the pure, Sir Lancelot the brave, the quiet Sir Bedevere, and Sir Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-as-Sir Lancelot. They do not travel on horses, but pretend they do and have their servants bang coconuts to make the sound of horse's hooves. Through satire of certain events in history (witch trials, the black plague) they find Camelot, but after literally a quick song and dance they decide that they do not want to go there. While walking away, God (who seems to be grumpy) come to them from a cloud and tells them to find the Holy Grail. They agree and begin their search. While they search for the Grail, scenes of the knight's tales appear and why they have the name they have. Throughout their search they meet interesting people and knights along the way. Most of the characters die; some through a killer rabbit (which they defeat with the holy hand grenade), others from not answering a question right from the bridge of Death, or die some other ridiculous way. In the end, King Arthur and Sir Bedevere are left and find the Castle Arrrghhh where the Holy Grail is. They are met by some French soldiers who taunted them earlier in the film, so they were not able to get into the castle. These are all the reasons that I chose the Holy Grail to be my second related film.

Item 4 - Monty Python official Website ( )

I have chosen this website to be an item in my Presentation script because it holds relevant information on my investigation title which will be useful information for when it comes to my presentation script. Also because it is the official website I can trust it to give me correct information for my project and no bad or wrong information. Also the website could direct me to more information for my project with it being the official Monty Python website. It is also related to my related film 2 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'.

Item 5 - Norman Wisdom official Website ( )

I have chosen this website to be an item in my annotated catalogue because I believe it holds information I will need for my main focus film 'The Early Bird'. I also believe as it is the official website it could direct me to more information of slapstick comedy or any other relevant information for the twentieth century to the present day.

Item 6 - Johnny English official Website ( )

I have chosen this official website because it is relevant for my related film of the slapstick comedy genre 'Johnny English'. I believe the website could hold or direct me to useful information for my project and therefore be useful to me in some ways. I believe that it will be relevant information as it is the official website of my related film.

Other: -----------------------
Item 7 - Norman Wisdom Internet biography ( )

I think that this (item 7) makes a relevant item to be used in my project because it is a link to the official video biography of Sir Norman Wisdom, which means it could do and probably does hold valuable and useful information on my project. It is also the official video biography so I know the information given to me is correct and will not steer me in the wrong direction.

Item 8 - Monty Python Internet biography ( )

The official Monty Python Biography is my item number 8 and I am using it for this because I believe that the biography will be spot on and have plenty of information for my project. As it is the official biography I believe it will not give me and unofficial or wrong information so it will be useful to my project.

Item 9 - Rowan Atkinson Internet biography ( )
The official Rowan Atkinson Internet biography tells us abit about his movies and the type of comedy he pursues in. I think that this biography is relevant because it gives me usefull information on how he developed his type of humor and who may have inspired him. It is also relevant because it relates to my focus film Johnny English which Rowan Atkinson stars in.


Item 10 -

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The Early Bird - Norman Wisdom from Norman Wisdom on Vimeo.

This item is a video clip/trailer of The Early Bird starring Norman Wisdom which is my focus film. I think it is relevant because it shows is visually the kind of humor slapstick actually is and it will give us a sort of idea how it has changed since then.

Item 11 -

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Item 11 is a trailer and video clip of the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail which is my related film. This clip will show us the kind of slapstick comedy of the present day and it will show us if it has actually changed since the 20th century. It will also demonstrate the comedy through the trailer with what to expect all the way through.

Item 12 -

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This item is another video clip/trailer I have gotte to demonstrate the comedy of the movie Johnny English. It shows us the kind of slapstick comedy used in the film, and how it has developed through the trailer.


Mr Grimsdale !!!!!, 27 May 2002
Author: Davo123 from Derby, England

'The Early Bird' just has to be THE Norman Wisdom film. From the marvellous opening sequence, to the finale, there is not a single dull moment. Of all of his films, this has to be his most popular.

Norman plays a milkman for a local town dairy, his boss is the laid-back Mr. Grimsdale, superbly played by Edward Chapman. However, a large corporate dairy starts to muscle in on their patch, and Norman is soon pitted against a sneaky and unscrupulous Austin (Bryan Pringle). The laughs are soon flowing thick and fast as war develops.

In many ways this film symbolises the changing times of the '60s when the pace of life speeded up, aptly summarised by the quote 'You can't impede the wheels of progress' from the film. As always, Norman manages to save the day, and dispense his particular brand of common sense. In this film, though, his victory is more by default than judgement.

The film contains many classic moments, the sick horse, the apples, the 'shootout', the golf, the fire, and many more.

Finally, I have often wondered if Benny Hill got his inspiration for 'Ernie' from this film?

Definitely ***** out of *****


Item 13 - Monty Python Director Terry Jones in Chicago

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(Item 14) Norman Wisdom's My Turn.

This is a book about the comedy legend, it tells us from his child hood to his later years and about his movies and career.

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